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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Jak and Daxter : The Precursor Legacy System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2005-09-10 08:22:35 Views : 31526 Avoid fall damage Press Circle to spin kick just before you hit the ground and you will land perfectly every time. Map translation The following message is the code translated from around the outside of the map that is included with the game. "In ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep, the silent giants wait to be awakened. Deep will their slumber be, silent their once echoing voices, until the world has no memory of their beginnings. In the gloom they will watch, and they will wait. Those who go to them for answers will return only with new questions. But these will come when silence ends. The one who carries the light will awaken the voices. With him one whose fate was twisted toward darkness long ago, in the time before time when the light bursts from the earth the answers to the questions will begin. But only begin, for still the world will not be ready to learn the truth of its past, or the secrets of its future." Handstand To make Jak do a handstand, find a cannon that fires the exploding bags. For example, at the tower at Sentinel Beach. Get on top of the barrel of the cannon. Try until Jak stands still without sliding. Hold R1 and press X. Jak will jump high. Then, press Square to slam down. If done correctly, Jak should do a handstand momentarily. Swim faster Instead of holding the Analog-stick in the direction you want to swim, keep tapping the Analog-stick in that direction. By doing this, you will move about twice as fast. Flying In training mode, get Blue Eco to go through a door; instead jump off the mountain side with rocks. If done correctly you will be flying until the Blue Eco runs out. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Jak and Daxter : The Precursor Legacy cheat codes.
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